Mutton Busting!

6 Seconds and a Sheep!  It's a familiar scene at any rodeo, but in this case the rider is a child and the bronco is a wooly sheep.  Mutton Busting is a  rodeo event for young children in which each participant tries to remain on the back of a sheep for as long as possible. 

Photos by Julene Baker

Mutton Bustin Premier Sponsor:

Rules & Contestant Information:

Photo by Julene Baker


Mutton Bustin entries begins Wednesday, June 12th at 8:00AM (PST).   It will be on a first enter, first serve basis.  We will except 10 entries per night.  Once we are filled, we will close the entries for that night.  You will be notified of your child's entry, once the entry has been confirmed.  

Starting June 12th @ 8:00AM (PST), please click on the "Click to Enter Here" button to enter your child into the Mutton Busting.  Make sure to click on "Submit" at the end of the registration, or else your registration will not be valid.  Before entering your child, please make sure they meet all of the rules and criteria.  There will be no phone entries this year, only online entries.

Please print and sign the Local Entry Release form and bring it with you when you check in for your event.

2024 Mutton Bustin Entries are closed.